It's been awhile since I've posted because we've been working, not sight-seeing, since we returned to CT in April. But on a recent Friday, my sister and brother-in-law and their two girls planned a day trip to
Lake Compounce Amusement Park, in Bristol CT. It's becoming an annual tradition and it just gets more fun as Catherine & Meredith get a bit older. They are now 6 and 3. Joining us were Marguerite's college roommate, Joni, and Joni's son, Luca, same age as Catherine.

My instructions were to meet the family at the yellow octopus (above, with Catherine in front) in the water park. The weather was perfect for swimming but the water was still a bit cold, this early in the season. But that didn't deter Meredith from going down the kiddie water slide over and over!

The girls were fascinated by the giant pirate ship. A big bucket on top fills with water and periodically dumps over, drenching anyone below. Catherine & Meredith would squeal with delight - and made very sure that THEY were not under it!

After the water park, we decided to take the train that goes halfway around the lake. All aboard!
Marguerite, Joni, Luca, Meredith, & CatherineAs the train pulled away from the station, we got a great view of where the adult water slide dumps into the lake.

Across the lake, as the train looped around for the return trip, we had a great view of the park, including the beach, water park, and main pavilion.

The pavilion houses a restaurant that serves sandwiches, salads and more. After we had lunch on the porch, it was time to hit the rides. The great thing about Lake Compounce is that they have a section of kiddie rides, perfect for kids the age of ours. The motorcycles are always a favorite of Catherine's.

Meredith probably rode the merry-go-round a half dozen times, each time riding a different animal. She loved the bunny!

Luca and the girls also enjoyed a few rides on the caterpillar.

David taught the kids to hold their arms up on the kiddie roller coaster.

Afterwards, David wanted to go on on of the big coasters. Joni went with him but Marguerite & I passed. We're wimps, I guess.
By the time 5PM rolled around, the sky blackened with rain clouds so we decided to stroll down Main St. towards the exit.

We all had such fun that we promised to not wait for next year to come back!