Our motorhome at Fort Clinch State Park. And whose is that look-alike through the trees?
Yesterday, we passed a motorhome almost exactly like ours on I-95 heading south through the Carolinas. I waved frantically as we passed them and figured they probably thought I was nuts until they could see our whole coach - same year, same color as theirs. Lo and behold, they pulled into the Charleston KOA just about an hour after we got there! That gave us a chance to meet and talk a bit. Turns out that Chuck & Peggy are from NY and headed to FL for the winter too. They are planning to spend six months in Bushnell, just about an hour north from us in Tampa. We mentioned our plans to visit Fort Clinch State Park in Fernandina Beach, FL for a couple of days. Peggy thought that sounded nice.
This morning, Ed figured we could ask them if they wanted to follow us so we could show them where Ft. Clinch is located and they could see how nice a campground it is, especially being on the water. They agreed since they don't have reservations anywhere until Nov.1 and we met up again after lunch at the FL Welcome Center and led the way in. Now we're parked side by side! Here's their rig.

Chuck & Peggy's motorhome at Fort Clinch. Now you can just see ours through the same trees.
Although both are 2004 Gulfstream Sun Voyagers and are the same color exterior and interior, the floor plans are just a bit different.
Today we walked down to the river with the dogs but didn't have time to do much exploring. Tomorrow, I'd like to visit the Fort itself and walk on the beach. I think the guys are planning some fishing in the morning. We'll have one more night here and then be off on Wednesday to Orange City to visit Ed's brother and his family.