Mark & Gina hosted ten people for Thanksgiving dinner and everyone did an awesome job. Ed's day started at 9AM as he prepared the traditional turkey. Gina was a fabulous hostess, as always, making sure everyone was comfortable and had what they needed.

Mark bought a new smoker recently and his turkey came out exceptionally tender and flavorful, not too smokey, just right. Nice color on it too!

The dogs were not helpful during dinner preparations. But aren't Duncan & Lassy too cute?

Finally, time to serve, buffet style.

I don't where we found room for my pumpkin pie and Mark & Tara's cheesecakes. They made pecan pie cheesecake and pumpkin cheesecake. There was enough to share with two begging dogs. Oh my, we have spoiled them!

And Nilla was not about to be left out. Notice Duncan, checking to see if Uncle Mark will share with him too. (He did!)

We had originally planned to leave Orange City RV Resort today and move closer to Winter Haven in preparation for the closing on the house, which we hope will be on December 5. Instead, we decided to stay here through the weekend and will be moving to Theme World RV Park in Davenport on Monday.