From February 28-March 9, Plant City hosted the 2008 Florida Strawberry Festival. Mark & Gina came down from Orange City so we could all spend the day there together. First order of business - get homemade strawberry shortcake! We were offered our choice of biscuit or sponge cake (we like biscuit) topped with luscious perfectly ripe and juicy strawberries and real whipped cream.

We scouted the food vendors for lunch later on, then Gina & I hopped aboard the ferris wheel to get a birds-eye view of the Fairgrounds.

The Berry-Go-Round looked like it would be fun for the young 'uns.

We toured the barns with the livestock competition then the exhibit hall with all the arts and crafts, including a cake-decorating competition.

The Strawberry quilt won the blue ribbon.

A variety of entertainment kept us amused. How about the Native American folk dance of the wild turkey? You don't see that every day.

A 50-60-70's band called Trash played unconventional instruments made from old cans and bottles. Their energy level was amazing and they had us cracking up with their humor.

Ed contemplated buying this belt with "Redneck" carved on it and a Confederate flag but would have also had to invest in a giant shiny metal buckle to go along with it. Tough to imagine this Yankee wearing that, huh?

The Strawberry Festival grounds are home to one of the oldest original post offcies in Florida.

Outisde the old post office, a Cracker demonstrated the tools historically used by the original settlers.

FOR SALE - handmade wooden spoons.

By late afternoon, I was ready for a real strawberry milkshake, made from fresh strawberries and real ice cream. YUM! The shake was scrumptious but I loved the booth display.

The source of all the strawberry merriment, strawberry fields - forever!

And a flat just had to come home with us!

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